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If you selected Shipping:
Keep an eye on your inbox for your confirmation email.
In 2-4 business days, Once we have prepared your order for delivery, we’ll drop it off with the courier/post and send you a “shipping email”. If you paid for tracking, you’ll receive your tracking number.
If you selected Pickup:
Keep an eye on your inbox for your confirmation email.
In 2-4 business days, Once we have prepared your order for pickup we’ll send you a “Pickup email” with instructions, whomever is picking up your purchase must have ID ready to purchase. Our hours are located on our website and Google.
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About Us
Genuine Collectibles Inc. is a Canadian company incorporated on February 22, 2000.
This family owned and operated company started in the Highlands of Victoria, British Columbia. in 2018 the company relocated to the CVRD in Shawnigan Lake, BC.
Genuine Collectibles produces a unique, authenticated collectible product called
A PIECE OF THE ACTION® takes an authenticated piece of memorabilia and shares it with fans and collectors. Our products have a variety of sizes and price points providing accessibility to all.
This trademarked product is the company vision and the components have been locally produced where possible and always assembled and packed locally. Each product is custom and specifically designed to capture the excitement and participation of each event.
Check Out Our
Other Projects
2002-2004 our focus was on the NHRA drag racing teams and we produced a polycarbonate, injection molded, top fuel dragster, funny car, and round disc which encapsulated actual raced engine parts or piece of raced tires provided by the Licensed Team.
The project evolved through the years but always included certification. A certificate of authenticity came in a variety of formats, such as a pewter engraved tag, a card certificate, and trading card style certificates. all of these designs providing authentic certification by the driver of those parts, that the parts included had actually been raced and supplied for our product creation. Our packaging moved towards a clamshell style with a new photographic background but at the heart of every design is being “A PIECE OF THE ACTION®”.
Our product has allowed fans, supporters, and enthusiasts of all ages to participate and be A part of these proud and powerful MOMENTS IN HISTORY.
During the 2002 NHRA season, A PIECE OF THE ACTION® was licensed FOR and produced for the Kenny Bernstein, Forever Red Tour 2002. We were included in the Budweiser Priority purchasing program.
Genuine Collectibles inc. also produced A PIECE OF THE ACTION® for Tony Schumacher, US ARMY racing, and variety of other teams.
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the World’s Largest Hockey Stick and Puck!
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social media or maybe even on our product?
(**by sending photos you agree to let us feature them on our site or in possible future ads/marketing materials.)
Send us your photo(s) below: