Automobile Salvage & Recycling
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We are alerting our valued customers and partners that a third party has attempted to misuse our email system.
If you have received an email from our company requesting Amazon gift cards or other forms of payment in the email body, please be aware that this message is fraudulent and not from us. We do not have an outlook e-mail.We send emails from
Our only website checkout is the website url:
Copy and paste that into your url field to ensure you’re checking out in the right location.we do not have access to your credit card information through our website, and will not ask for it through email.
What to look for:
Requests for Amazon gift cards or any form of payment
Suspicious or unfamiliar links and attachments
Unsolicited messages asking for sensitive or financial information
We recommend that you do not engage with these emails, click any links, or provide personal information. If you have received such an email, please disregard without opening.
We are actively resolving this matter and appreciate your patience and vigilance as we strengthen our security measures.
Thank you for your continued trust.